
The year is 1985

my mind wanders

Whoa. Hold on

Wait a minute.


Where is everybody?

!!Look At What Just Died!!

I haven't been following What Died Today very frequently of late but I found something very interesting yesterday but didn't have the time to post it.


Everyone seems to be enjoying my Web7e Javascript thing I made.

Fuzzy 2001

Fuzzy's poem of 2001

Ferrok 2005

ferrok's poem of 2005

Let's P together

let's do it

Let's P

to the quest

Purple already



Zipcode Controvicy

Dooms now requires members to input their Zipcode.

Burning! Woo! Argh!

Kuby says "Burning Hotdog! Aroo *sizzle*."

What I Think of Avira

What do I think of Avira?! What do I think of Avira?!!

Not a Speck of Dust in Sight

Finished the sweep now so you wont need to worry for at least the next 20 days.

Gonna work on the burn today too.

Sweepy Clean




Finished X

Alias Progress

Just finished the aliases for #, A & B.

Sweeping up

more sweeping

Defined Enough For Ya?!

Kuby wanted a more defined banner so here it is.

New Banner

How you like the new banner? Blogger fucked up the quality but I'm gonna post here the original and the new one so you can compare properly.

Sweep and Tidy

aw yeah

The Town of Tagville

I recon, I just made it 2/3 of what I just did in the last post. Should be quicker from here probably but I'm leaving it for tomorrow.


The City of Tabsville

I've got more tabs than a Microsoft application.


Getting on for Time

Yeah I know. I am still gonna do the burn tonight but most of it will probably be distributed throughout the week. Also, I'm making a new blog called The Hypertext Toybox. I have since deleted it. It'll basically be a place for me to post some cool stuff I've made in hypertext for others to use freely. So if you feel like jazzing up your website, forum, blog or whatever check it out.

Later dudes.

Prototype Janken Game

I've made a prototype of the thing that the huge poll down the edge will become. I have since deleted it.

Ah Well

Didn't get a lot of stuff done today.



Well, only two people voted but it turns out that it was unanimous. Helicopters are "Guardians of the Skies" and not "Swift Wings of Death". Gonna make a new poll now. So yeah, that's all I wanted to say.


I fail


The Queen visits BB...not?

I am in shock

2 parts

This is in two parts as each thing isn't really big enough for it's own post.


Today's "What Died Today"

I'm having too many topics to discuss in one post so I'm spreading it out a little. So here is where the "What Died Today" sites I found go.


That update was yesterday's. This is today's

Sorry, forgot to say that the last post was meant to be posted last night but I never got around to it. Now to begin today's post.


Let's do this...properly

my first post on here. Read if you dare