
That update was yesterday's. This is today's

Sorry, forgot to say that the last post was meant to be posted last night but I never got around to it. Now to begin today's post.

I only quickly glanced at "What Died Today" and the only thing that caught my eye was a site called "Joy Knife and Knife Joy" AKA JNnNJ. It's a webcomic about a masochistic sex addict and a sadistic serial killer. I only read a few pages but I liked it. The humor pretty much writes itself given a theme but the writer like to destroy the jokes quite severely with the monotonous comic foil who ironically is the only character in the comic called Joy from what I've heard. The three of them live together in an apartment in typical odd couple style with the two extreme characters often pairing up against Joy and her being the voice of reason trying to stop their shenanigans.

I was surprised by the distinct lack of any actual gore or sexual content, the comic is quite heavily driven by words and great visual humor. I would not have read it unless someone hadn't previously assured me their would be no foul content and I'm glad I took the risk. The art style is very cartoony with high detail on some of the dramatic close ups kinda like Spongebob Squarepants but it's more light-hearted whereas SB can be quit sinister.

One odd thing that struck me was that all 3 main characters are female and before you start making any assumptions about the writer, it's actually a girl and that has been confirmed. I knew straight away by the type of humor it would be and apparently the characters are based on people she knows.

For some strange reason it seems to be set in the 80s, which I thought was awesome, and there seems to be little bursts of sci-fi and fantasy every so often in an otherwise perfectly normal world. These are usually for holiday episodes or other special occasions. There is the occasional attempt to follow a story rather than be a sketch show and it actually does it rather well. The stories only last a few comics and there is no attempt to quickly wrap them up or try to go too far, where mistakes would normally occur.

Overall I give it a thumbs up for not destroying the flow, the simple yet attractive art style, the well written jokes, the refrainment of doing the obvious or resorting to vile content and for tackling the unusual with eyes unclouded.

Also today Mon has been revamping The Monster Board's homepage with content from Giant Microbes and it got me thinking. Maybe Dooms should have the ability for the user to customize their own CSS formatting for the site. I've posted the guys a message and we'll talk later today.


Follow up. On WDT I found a few sites worth mentioning. They're in the order I remember them.

SYLAW - Support Your Local Asian Websites. A website dedicated to spreading the word about Indian and East Asian websites. The name derives from another website, SYLAC, which stands for Support Your Local Asian Community. The latter website is about acting against racial hatred in Britain.

(L)EFE - (Lest) Every-Fucker-Else. Officially the L should be there (it's in the address) but the website's title omits it and everyone knows it as EFE anyway. It is a site dedicated to all the people who don't fit in with what is unfortunately regarded as normal. So there's ethnic minorities, disabled people and just the dregs of society basically. BTW, that was not intended to offend anyone, I myself am part of that group, it sounded like a good metaphor at the time but looking back it wasn't the best way to put it.

(A)EOF - (Also/And) Every-Other-Fokker. Again officially there should be the A but everyone omits it. A site dedicated to the war period, the propaganda, the footage, the technology, the music, etc. I hope Dooms picks this one up coz it's got everything in it. It would be a real shame to let this go to waste.

P4P(A) - Potty for Potty (Alliance/Association). Dedicated to baby pictures. Real cute. Not my kind of thing but I bet SPA will love it.

ToGo - The Five. Dedicated to programming in particular hacking. Some of the best hackers reside here. Unless your PC is rock solid don't go here. However, they also have the best security software you can get for your PC provided you're willing to bend the rules. I'm not so I'm not going there but I know people who might be interested. They have a whole site dedicated to tutorials on how to prog and some easy to use development software and things to make your PC look snazzy. If you're solid and down for it give it a try.

GotGurth? - A BBM/BBF porn site with a built in dating site. Just thought Mon would be interested.

Guthalt - A spoof German BDSM website. Don't get caught by Hitler, it's not nice. The description didn't tell me shit so like an idiot I visited the site. I was horrified on many levels. If your humor is as dark as night then I suggest this site to you otherwise steer clear. I thought The Toilet might like it.

Burning Bush - Mon requested I post this. I have never visited this site nor do I intend to. It's not too hard to guess what the site is about if you think Mon requested it. Although my imagination was far more vivid than the reality.

The Pyre - Does anyone remember a TV show called Room 101? Well it's basically that. You suggest something you want destroying and the guys at the site will buy it, torch it, upload the footage and send you the wreckage in the mail. You can also send in things for them to destroy. What interests me is the Save Me auction. Two sides bid, one to destroy the object in question and another to deliver its salvation. The highest bidder wins, it's usually the haters.

On a completely unrelated note

On FIAR there's a guy called BlueView who makes Cyanide and Happiness style comics. He's made of me which I'll be posting here later but right now I've got to walk the dog. See ya in a mo.


Just remembered a few more...

TaiAi AKA Love Fight - A site dedicated to the arts of the body i.e. dancing, gymnastics, martial arts, sex, etc. Kinda like OrtBod but more popular and better organized. The site has developed its own custom bodily art style based on the teachings of each art, it's actually rather good. The style is better than the form-based one we made and they have competitions and conventions you can visit.

Parkybald - A site dedicated to nature and especially scenic landscapes. They have a wanderer's club and a photography club and there is an online painting course associated with it. They have pics of and tips on animals and a larping meet-up bit. Generally an all round nature-loving kinda site.

Platypus Syndrome - A site dedicated to TF. Adult stuff allowed. Uses a clever system to separate content into age groups. Unfortunately I didn't quite get it and went on the 18+ section thinking it would have all the content but it turns out that the age sections only have content for that age i.e. 18+ only has content which is 18+ and not PG-13 for example. It was actually quite up front with the content and now I'd rather not visit the site again even for the PG rated stuff.

SpongeBerty - A site dedicated to SpongeBob SquarePants. Fan-art, fan-fiction, videos of the episode, etc. The one thing that really lets this site down is the fact that the episodes are in WMV format and not YouTube vids. The buffering is driving me nuts. How did we ever survive using this crap in the first place? I like the feel of the place though, even if some of the members are completely bats. Worth a look anyhow, see whatcha think.

Ⅲ3⇨ - Yes that is its official name. I caught a glimpse of it before. It was called I'll Be There. It sounded like a site for stalkers by the description and then the next time I looked it was gone. Now it's re-posted as a new site with a new name and description but the same URI. On closer inspection it looks as though they have changed the front page in a hurry and the rest of the site is locked off too. It proclaims to be a dating site for those who play hard to get. I'm actually quite worried now.

MilkPunk - Now this site is awesome. It's a porn site but it's different to every other one I've had the misfortune to stumble upon. When the front page opened a cool loading game came up and then a really awesome video played. The video was a short film of two people in tight plasticy leather stuff doing martial arts. Nothing really bad happened excepts for the man grabbing the women by the boobs to throw her away and the woman returning kind with his crotch. Come to think of, there was a distinct lack of porn on the porn site. It seemed to be focused more on crude humor and epic CG'd action scenes than anything sexual. I've pro'd it on Dooms and cross my fingers it will roll or get recognition from my page. I found it thoroughly entertaining if a little fucked up. I didn't really understand what was going on but I think that if they continued the series there'd be some cool scenes regardless. Just keep away from the guest content section. I haven't dared go there but I've got a pretty good hunch that whatever's there will be highly unsavory.

Mothdude and Invertiboy - A webcomic about the daily life of 2 superheroes. One guy is a moth capable of smelling things from miles away, which is a power that often comes in handy, whilst the other is a slug I think and has the ability to squeeze into tight spaces. As you can imagine, there's not much that can be done with an idea like this and that's probably why there's only a few strips. Incredibly gimmicky but maybe a proper superhero comic can be made from it's crippled remains.

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