
What I Think of Avira

What do I think of Avira?! What do I think of Avira?!!

Avira is built on Norton technology. There's really only 1 difference between the two and that is that Norton thinks everything is a virus and Avira doesn't.

Avira still does the same stupid thing Norton does when running a scan i.e. it blows up your PC.

You see, most anti-mals deep scan archives but some of them create whole new files for each element and then distroy them and create a new one before the PC has time to free up the memory meaning that gradually over about 1-2 minutes of scanning your ram becomes full. That is of course assuming that the hundreds of instances running through the multitasking system doesn't cause your processor to overheat and shut down the system as it did with mine, every single time. Now of course your OS has security features that prevent programs from melting the procesor or overflowing the RAM but some anti-mals have some way of overriding the security feature to get the most out of the hardware e.g. Norton and Avira. The problem with this is that there is nothing to stop them from royally screwing up your PC. So OK, after the first time I was like, "Whao! I better be more careful. I can't take my eyes off the scan for a second." but then I realized that even when I told Avira that I only wanted to scan and update at certain times it completely ignored my suggestion and did it whenever it felt like it, that is, not even to a schedule. This is exactly what Norton does if you remember my review. Both completely ignore the user input and choose the options the website suggests including things like which page I want to appear when I open the anti-mal. In both, updates happen whenever I connect to the internet, that is, whenever I connect to the internet regardless of whether I have already downloaded that exact same update or whether I have already updated that day. This is the way the old Windows Update worked if you remember correctly and is still the same way Google Chrome works today. Now I'm sorry but those of us who actually use the internet to, you know, browse websites are gonna connect to the internet at the same time we are opening our browsers that have over 10 tabs open, usually with flash on most of them due to adverts too. This is because most of us use Windows or Mac OS, which only connects to the internet the first time we use it. If you try doing so with either of these things installed, you can garantee that those pages are gonna fail 'cause these anti-mals sap up the connection like an elephant sponge that has been wandering the dessert for weeks sucks up water. And God forbid you should ever want to refresh your connection, you'll be waiting there for ages for it to comprehend that there's no connection before stealing it again. I found this is the best way to load the webpages. Both of course use their own Custom Buisness Version of Flash or something that uses up all the processing power just to place a pop-up on your page saying "Pay us NOW!", which it does whenever it feels like, much to my annoyance whilst trying to play, you know, REAL Flash movies. Also, both have a stupid firewall thing that interferes with everything that Microsoft don't deem acceptable including Quicktime and any foreign software. This would be great if I could actually turn the fucker off. Even when I select disable and it says it's disabled, it still has the Gaul to tell me about every single thing I'm doing that it deems wrong. Now I'm sorry but I actually want to play Pet Society thank you and yes I do want to download other security software and use Pipes and use a foreign character set and read my internet emails and defragment my computer. I am the user and this my friend the operating system. We say what we want to run, not you. It's your job to make sure I don't get a virus not to shamelessly promote every piece of software you're affiliated with.

So that is why I'm installing AVG instead. My little group of Anti-mals has had no problems with fending off foes until you came along and this will be the last time I take advice from the tiger about security software.


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