
Hmm Hmm Hmm

2 weird subs


Things that make you go Hmm? There's a site on Dooms called "Hmm" and it's apparently about how different tones of Hmm can portray how a person thinks and feels even beyond what they are thinking and feeling at that current time. Language is too complicated and covers too many structures for it to be analyzed this heavily but a simple everyday sound like Hmm can be completely torn apart and analyzed till your eyes drop out. I'm not saying what they said about me but they got it more right than I expected. So if you're bored one day and fancy giving it a shot, have a go. You may find out something you didn't know about yourself like 'I did.

Humming Bird

One of the many music websites of Doomsday, this one specializes in girl music. Uno, love songs, R&B, girl bands, upbeat, you get the idea. I didn't like it much but I imagine that alot of people would so I'm posting it for you to see. You can download a handful of tracks for free and the rest you can purchase and download online. They also have alot of celebrity gossip that's not just limited to music and, if you subscribe, you can watch music videos for free, well kinda, you have to pay a monthly charge for subscription. Subscribing also offers a karaoke feature where you can sing along to songs online with your friends. I say again, not my thing but you might like it if you're into girly music.

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