
Pocky Leach

pocky everywhere

Found a new sub called "Pocky Power" or Pow for short. It's a fan website for Pocky. They seem to like the pink one alot but I thought it was a cool site. It's full of games and artwork and lots of stupid pics of people with lots of Pocky paraphernalia. Mainly I just think it's just some half-baked excuse to make a Japanese themed social network, but I don't care, the site is pretty cool anyway.

So I thought I'd check out what else PockyRyu, the owner of Pocky Power, had done. Turns out the guy is a member of P+S, which is kind of a coincidence since I was just talking about it a while ago.

Anywhat, PKR as he's often referred to has a site dedicated a sort of alternative universe. The site's name is not yet decided on, which is surprising considering the site is not new. It seems the members have been arguing about the name for quite some time now and no-one can reach an agreement. Some think it should be named after the mascot character, some think it should be named after the world itself, some think it should be named after one of the two sides and some think a completely neutral name irrelevant to the contents of the site should be chosen.

The alternative universe is called Mass, with the two main worlds being Gelato and Stickle. Gelato is full of rotund characters and Stickle is full of skeleton thin characters. The good guys are the Blue Rangers, the bad guys are the Red Devils and there is a sort of neutral party called the Green Mist. It is fairly obvious what their team colors are but Rangers are blue and white, Devils are red and black and Mist are green and brown.

There's a story which is centered around a character called Morph Leach (Lee for short) who is a leach anthro and can transform. She often performs sponge fetish style vore to capture enemies and has to drink blood like a vampire to survive. She has a whole variety of friends with varying personalities and abilities and the story is set in a sort on dingy war torn world where the Rangers are fighting the Devils.

Lee and friends are only part of the Rangers and never actually do anything that directly effects the war between the Rangers and the Devils, but instead the story is about their day to day life as they fight as insignificant troops, rather than actually having a driving plot. Sure there's the odd flashback episode to give the characters a bit of a background story but alot of the time you feel as though the plot is happening elsewhere as there are always news reports of things happening significant to the war but these never actually involve the main characters.

As well as the story, the site also contains fanart, games, a sort of social network ID thing and a whole bunch of stuff based around 2 sides fighting each other, mainly in the form of some Board War style kit. It's good for a bit of fun but unless the story or concept interests you, there's not much to keep coming back for.

Anywhatsit, try Pocky Power out, it's awesome.

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