
Failure to impress

about Blog Distributor

I recently got an email from one Blog Distributor.com, if you got the email, please do not click that link yet. I haven't found out enough to tell you whether it's a good product, a web site after your money or a collection of many numerous webshites yet. I'm not saying whether or not it's a scam but I can tell you that it does not have any of the classic signs of being one.

The email sounded very genuine. It wasn't some guy treating me like I'm there best pal, it wasn't some marketing spiel, it wasn't desperate, it had some genuine human errors, fair enough it was a standard message but as far as I could tell it was a sent personally by a guy who owns a site. The offer was not bigged up to make it sound great, in fact he did such a bad job of it I almost lost interest.

It sounded pretty much like some small business scheme but not the kind that acts like a pyramid scheme. I mean like one of those schemes that only the really pro internet browsing folk find in the back of beyond before every fucker on the planet gets wise and destroys the delicate fabric of the product with their bad behavior and extreme numbers.

Seeing as I am indeed one of those internet users that skowers the back of beyond to get all the good stuff, and never really has anyone hand over anything to me on a silver plate, it seems quite likely that someone would send me this kind of message, unfortunately.

This made it all the more difficult to decide whether it was spam. Normally, the none spam messages I get are personal and come from people I know, but then again this guy's not gonna be known by me yet and nor are they gonna be personal if indeed it is a business.

So I decided to see if I could catch him out this "David" on the fact he said "You can look us up in Google if you like". Early results are not promising, I searched the address and found 3 pages on Google. He wasn't kidding when he said he doesn't offer this product to anyone, nobody seems to know what it is.

Almost all of the pages quoted the email message. I'd rather not click those as it could be any number of webshite going on there. The others we're not very helpful either. They basically said Blog Distributor is a Pay per Blog site and were insanely vague on the details. The few remain sites just had a marketing message posted in the comments of a related page. Now that comment actually looked pretty fake to me.

So as far as I can deduce about the thing as yet is that it isn't a large business making lots of money or at least not yet. It's probably quite new and run by a handful of guys at most.

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