There's been some more in-fighting in Dooms. This time it's about the weather.
Weather Van
Weather Van is a site where independent meteorologists drive around the country and broadcast weather reports. They are usually more right than the weather service, this is because they can locate themselves in key areas as they use a van, rather than the fixed weather centers that the news use.
Weather Vain
Weather Vain is a site dedicated to exposing the flaws in the weather service as and when they happen. They often use Van to get the more accurate reports, but Vain criticize Van's methods a-lot. Weather Vain are also known for their brash behavior, their rudeness and their crudeness. Vain have been at the center of alot of in-fighting and melon wars (see above) and have even lots many members because of it.
One day Van decided that they couldn't take any more of Vain's offensive humor and started arguing back. As a result Vain has lost their main resource for weather reports, and is instead promoting the standard means of weather reports and has changed the theme of their site to just normal weather. This caused a public outcry and Vain is now in trouble. On the flipside Van has taken it upon themselves to discredit normal weather reports. So it's kinda like they've swapped places, except Vain doesn't have any news of its own so no-one cares. I'll report if there are any changes. WTS.
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