
Redefined Dining

This happened yesterday. I just didn't get around to blogging it.

Dine in Hell
Dine in Hell AKA Dining Hell is a site buried somewhere in the depths of the deepest darkest Doomsday empire. Named presumedly after the quote from the film 300, DH is a site that is there to spread the word about places where you should not eat, and it has had a few Ramsey Nightmare restaurants too. There has been a bit of upset recently about how they treated a particular failing brand called "World Foods".

World Food Group
World Food Group is the site of "World Foods" a failing brand of foods that is part of the Doomsday empire. They are small and so only really cover the town they reside and the surrounding area. So for a start, the title 'World Foods' doesn't seem appropriate. WF make unusual nice tasting foods I'm told and in my opinion did not deserve then hatred they got from Dine in Hell. World Foods also own a restaurant and do freshly cooked home delivery. World Foods like to make food in the fashion of something like an object or a depiction of something that happens and will make your food in pretty much any shape you feel like for you.

DH said that WF spend too much time on presentation and not enough on flavor, but WF have had nothing but good reviews so far, so I say "Screw THEM" and deliberately gave WF a good review regardless. After all, DH have been known to get it wrong frequently. They often try to force their opinion as fact and for that I gave them a bad review. They are centered only around a certain group of foods and don't like to experment like WF so in my opinion they are falsely advertising as a food critic site. Anywho, I did more research on WF and found this.

Leafy Greens
A product from World Foods that comes in a crisp packet. It is in fact made from vegetables all blenderised into a paste and then sort of dried into shape. Sounds disgusting but is said to be quite nice. They are flavored by using different veggies and therefore are very healthy. They are even made into different shapes to represent the food they are. They can also come with a variety of cheese dips and sachets of various spices for seasoning.

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