
Dream Dream Dream

This happened yesterday. I just didn't get around to blogging it.

When I was using the actual main search thingamajiggy on Dooms, I thought "Yano what? I think I'll look up stuff about dreams." and amongst others these are the ones that came up.

Dream Eater

Dream Eater, also known as Tapir, is a site where people can discuss their dreams. They have psychologists and a section on premonitions and out-of-body experiences. The shrinks had a field day with my dreams. They explained what they meant quite accurately in fact and were even able to give me a pretty good picture of my dream self. Apart from the philosophical twaddle, they were able to give me a few pointers on how to improve my life, many of which I have already put into action. So yeah, this site is pretty good for your mental probs and such so why not visit, today!


Yes, it's all one word. Dreamcats is a site for all the people who like Sega's arcade style games and if you like SNK's games then go to Metsu's Den coz there's a link there to a site about that.

Anydoodle, I found DC to have some excellent content like Music, Sprites, Screencaps, Advertisements and even some 3D Character and Level Models with Custom Textures and Items.

There's a fancy 3D thing, which unfortunately runs on Silverlight, that lets you play as one of the characters from the more well-known Sega variety and play in one of a select group of Sega games. Obviously they aren't the whole game but there are a couple of official levels and some custom ones for you to try out. There's also a primative Second-Life-style world where you can meet other members and chat or do something stupid like roll over them with eggs or jump on their head.

Dream Cloud

And of course there's Dream Cloud. Unfortunately, for a webcomic site it updated very infrequently and there aren't many comics running but Credit Cards is always funny. I wish Soberman would make another damned episode of Magic Door. I love that one but he never makes any episodes. He makes one like, every year, and the time you have to wait is way more than how epic the episodes are. BTW, I'm pretty sure I saw the name of one of the Cyanide and Happiness crew as a writer for an episode of one of the comics. I'm gonna have to look into that.

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