
Nagotiations Continue

Little update on the whole leadership thing and Spark.

OK, first of all it kinda makes sense that Doomsday should have the hub. After all, Doomsday is what links to every other cluster even if it does so in a rather clumsy way. I'm pretty sure the strong opinions of Spark would ruin that balance and shut off many clusters from the central hub, so Doomsday which is intrinsically neutral should take the position, but...

Doomsday's really good as a hub because of its forum hopping, internal advertising and search engine systems, but that doesn't mean it has to steal the whole show. Doomsday acts and should only act as a way-point bringing proper definition to the term hub. Doomsday should be the figurehead at the top of the ladder providing transit between the lower parties. Doomsday should not steal most of the topics, should not contain all the fun stuff and should not get in the way of the other sites and their personal glory. The empire should act as a tree, with Dooms at the top and filtering down the responsibility all the way down to the end user.

That said, Spark should have control over the creative or at least the design element of this culmination. I sure most of us would agree to that considering almost everything wonderful and strange in the empire is a product of this creativity. This is the minimum requirement in my opinion and Spark should have hold over all the unusual lateral qualities of Dooms. This leaves Dooms with the regularities that all the new members might be interested in and of course we are not interested in.

Spark represents the content and Dooms the system. Maybe some element of hybrid could be developed. Spark after all represents the people and Dooms is merely the connection between clusters. Spark is more deserving of the title as Doomsday is just a method and that is all. Spark is the empire and Dooms is just the software it uses. You can't make a gourmet meal out of shit no matter how you cook it. The ingredients make the meal and the cooking process merely makes them shine. Spark is your vegetables, meat, fruit, cereal and dairy and Dooms is your serving. The cook gets the glory but no chef ever got anywhere without half-decent ingredients, and if you think these resources are replaceable, let's see how long you last with the tinned stuff before you come back begging for better.

The empire is ours. So what if you built it, we made it fun, interesting and popular. Before Spark there was only Prog and Monster remember. OK, there was ND but if Ben choses them over us he limits his ability. We make the empire unique and quirky. We are also responsible for alot of the stuff that Doomsday uses don't forget. Even if Doomsday does cut us off, they can't isolate us from the empire. It's a cluster system remember, all you'd do is lock us out of the main clusters, every other cluster below would still link to us. And when Ben's escapade fails to give him the popularity he expects, it wont be long before he realizes we own it all.

The empire should be the Spark Network, not the Doomsday Database. We might let Dooms off with the front page as long as it is obvious that it is our site. Viva La Revolution! Work fast Ben or I'm calling a mutiny and you know that we have already got a good place to go if things go wrong. We've raised the battlements and stated our terms. This is thus far a cold war, let's not make it a bloody one. I've stated my terms, now you better have something damn good to say in return.

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