The Well is a website I visit. It used to be part of a collection of websites know together as The Doomsday Empire. The Well was originally started as a porn site for toon stuff but has since become a more general site about anything really as long as it's not technical or depressing.
Old habits die hard however and there is still a bustling toon porn community that thankfully has it's own sub-site so it never bothers the rest of us. The Well still has a stigma attached to its name though and there are still people out there set to ruin it.
One of its oldest members is someone who goes by the name BredUndZorbMon, which means 'Sex & Vore Monster' in Kretan. Kretan is a made-up internet language local to The Doomsday Empire.
Short for BredUndZorbMon is BnZ or 'Beans' as we pronounce it on The Well. She is a very perverted woman and likes to watch footage of horses being born backwards. She has personally dubbed this 'Unfoaling'.
Beans recently drew a hell of alot of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic comics in which they 'unfoaled' each other. It was a hit and everyone from the porn sub-site loved it.
However, Beans wanted to make art involving the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Kiddie porn is a rule breaker on The Well regardless of whether it's animated or it's animals. She was warned but posted it anyway resulting in her being banned.
In response I made this.
