The Well is a website I visit. It used to be part of a collection of websites know together as The Doomsday Empire. The Well was originally started as a porn site for toon stuff but has since become a more general site about anything really as long as it's not technical or depressing.
Old habits die hard however and there is still a bustling toon porn community that thankfully has it's own sub-site so it never bothers the rest of us. The Well still has a stigma attached to its name though and there are still people out there set to ruin it.
Recently The Well has had a My Little Pony meme partially fueled by some perverted porn artwork by a member who has since been banned for deliberately and defiantly breaking the rules.
These pics are all about that meme. To skip the lengthy discussion you can just click the combo image below but if you want to understand the images it's prolly best you read to the end.

(expect loss of quality due to resize. Full quality larger images below)
fear is abstract
Some non-members dared some members of the Well to make porn of My Little Pony. When one guy refused they called us cowards. What followed was this quote followed by the word "we will travel to the Danger Zone" and then, after a few meme pics, a series of pornographic images of the show.
I don't know whether this proves they aren't afraid or just can't resist a dare.

Spongebob is ready
This is a copy of one of the first MLP meme pics as explained above. The original showed a man pointing dramatically saying 'to the Danger Zone' much like the way SB is in this pic.

Obama is the Danger God
I just found this image and thought it would be great for the meme explained above so I added this random caption.

WL sign
At the start of the MLP trend there was a strange hand-sign that someone invented. By making this sign you are showing that you are a Wellian and declaring your love for the site. It is also a secret sign that only members of the Well use and recognize (supposedly).
It might have been made to look like the shocker on purpose.

Ponies on the Well
I've posted and explained this image before so look it up. But you can get the gist from the previous images and their descriptions above.

Eternal Wellian
Somebody claimed to have cut their ring finger off so they could be more Wellian, see the hand-sign above. However the guy was spotted on his webcam with all 10 fingers intact. As a joke someone posted a photoshopped pic of someone missing their ring finger. This is a reference to that.

more danger
Beans was one of the members who posted porn of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. She posted what she calls 'unfoaling' of the characters. Basically unbirth stuff.
When she said she would post the child characters from that show unbirthing the mods came down on her heavy. Kiddie porn is strictly prohibited in all shapes and forms on The Well even if it's cartoon horses.
She posted it anyways after being warned multiple times and so she was banned. In response i made this.

She above for a partial explanation. In the show Twilight Sparkle keeps getting hurt in numerous ways including being turned to stone like the pic below. Celestia is kinda the god of the My Little Pony universe BTW.
This is also a reference to the 'every time you fap God kills a kitten' meme. The dialogue is almost a carbon copy of what it originally said.

Derpy wants off
Another website in the Doomsday Empire called Craze It invented the meme of 'Stop the Bus'. It was a reference to the scene from 'Cats Don't Dance' where Danny (the main character) thinks of something and then tell the bus driver to stop resulting in the bus driver slamming into the window.
There were various jokes about what might have caused him to ask the driver to stop and then there was a comic where a kid came off a ride at Disneyland and vomited all over the floor with the caption 'Stop the Bus'.
That spawned a whole new meme of people who wanted something to stop and said 'Stop the Bus' as a caption. This is a MLP version of that meme.

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