I love Cartoon Network but not all the shows. They are a little hit and miss. For those that don't know, i used to be a fan of My Little Pony for an incredibly short time period in my childhood (about all of 1 hour). But I have always liked the show from a distance. It was in the days when kids TV was awesome, the 80's. I have an admiration for almost any show from then, mainly because the shows were actually quite good. Most were rather well animated, had good morals, were very eye-catching and once you got a glimpse of them you were hooked. There was a certain feel to them that was kinda a sign of the times. They were upbeat, jolly, exiting, moving and fun to watch. And since then kid's TV has unfortunately never been the same again. Kid's TV today is full of what is jokingly called educational TV. Trust me kiddies, if you wanna learn watch Look & Read or something because today's TV doesn't teach you shit.
Anyway, My Little Pony was girly, light and full of deep meaning. Making a modern version of MLP would be very hard. You'd have to keep the essential morality of the show, whilst still keeping its non-forced light-hearted nature, unlike how Strawberry Shortcake ended up. But when i heard that Cartoon Network were gonna make it I thought "Now they are in good hands". The two should be good for each other because MLP is something that can be easily adapted into the kind of thing Cartoon Network is good at and Cartoon Network are prolly the only animators i know who could do it justice. It made me think that somebody with some sense was heavily involved in this because the potential of this murger is fucking wow yano.
Anyway, again, I'm am quite comfortable with my sexuality but I do love shiny things. I'm like a Magpie, brightly colored stuff always grabs my interest but usually i still just leave it anyway. Friendship is Magic however caught my interest and just like I always do I give it a chance and watch the first few eps but this show has me hooked.
It just looks like everything has just fluttered into place with a grace and elegance I forgot exists some places in this world. It's just the perfect balance and I'm pretty sure it's not just down to any of the creators. I think this show just happens on its own yano. It just seems to write itself. But not the kinda write wrights itself like the show is perfect but the team making it can't tell the difference between their right hand and a power drill. FiM just seems to have come together to make a really good show.
You don't have to be a girl to watch it and you don't have to be gay or anything. The show suits both sexes bar the lack of male characters but i think that male voice actors would have prolly ruined it. Brilliant casting of Izzy as the dragon though.
The jokes are fairly juvenile but they are delivered in a way which makes them work. The animation and voice acting could make any script work. The show is always interesting and fun and that's what's important. The show does not give you any sense of wow factor but given time you'll be hooked for life. It's not that it's exiting or anything but it is fulfilling and after watching it you'll feel that you've really done something yano.
As for the title of this blog post, I've been trying to avoid the show due its stigma but after watching the show I'm rather proud to be a viewer somehow. FiM's stigma is really just left over from the original My Little Pony. This show is something else however. I see it as a staple for future shows and there is alot other companies could learn from this. Humor is not words, actions or techniques; it is in fact the emotion of the delivery. And popularity is born from things which are felt not what you learn.
Personality is greatly underrated today but it determines the great animators from the mediocre and the great voice actors from the famous ones.

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