
Catching Up

Taking a bite out of a nasty backlog

Finally catching up with a few things including the moderating i wasn't supposed to be doing in the first place, a few webcomics I haven't read in a while and the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic series. There are (at the time of this post) less than 20 eps so I figured to myself "Why not?".

someone or some people are doing their darnedest to get more of their weird influence over the show but I'm glad to see they aren't being successful. They are great at the job and all but sometimes you need to see things from another person's eyes and respect other guy's opinions yano.

The show is in a tricky balance right now, the episodes so far couldn't have gone better. The delicate balance that holds the show together is nice and stable but I can see the old tell-tale Cartoon Network influence starting to creep up on the show like some pervy stalker.

The fans so far have absolutely lapped it up and I'm glad to see it's getting the right style of popularity for a nice healthy fandom. rule #34 is to be expected but it's not what the fandom is but its humor, style, emotion etc. So far it's going swimmingly all the right people love the show and all the wrong people don't. The fandom is trickling delicately through the tree of popularity with great control and at a nice fast but steady pace.

This is not looking like any kind of craze either, it's setting up the foundations for a long loved popularity. It's strange, I haven't seen this kind of fandom for many years. Well I mean that I have but never on this scale.

It's kinda like when someone would say "I personally love that show" but instead it seems that everyone likes it. So instead of it being something some people like and generally everyone else follows them because it's popular like Pokemon is now. It is more like something everyone likes personally and is glad to find that other people like the same thing more like Mario was when Super Mario Bros came out. However this seems to have a longevity more like the new Sonic generation a few years ago in that it will never get old and has an appeal like Cadbury chocolate in the way that it is universally liked by all but sometimes in different flavors.

Now I'm watching you Cartoon Network. The risks you have taken so far are pretty close to dodgy but if you continue to pervert the show it will most certainly lose its popularity and I'm pretty sure that some of those guys know what I mean when i used the word "pervert". I know you hang out on Eka's Portal you freak or freaks depending on who reads this. I know who you are too but I'm wiser than to name names. Those who know know, ya digg.

The MLP show has a crap load of potential and I would hate to see it ruined by a bunch of fools who could not keep their sex drive tamed long enough to reap the crop of their successes. The reason you can't get to your potential is because you keep ruining it by referencing fetishes in the god damned shows.

It's not obvious to everyone but when you hang out in the same places and mingle with the same people you tend to get a talent and spotting it. At least I have the dignity to admit it you coward. I'm no whistle blower but you could potentially ruin a really good thing for everybody, even you and that includes your personal wealth as well. So at least have the dignity to not let your habits control your work guy/guys depending.

Aaaanyway, Mylpfim is doing well right now and it's following the normal path of a great fandom. Still has a way yet to go before the big guns get hold of it but I predict it will be a success and I'm usually very good at guessing this.

The biggest phew moment what wondering how 4chan would take it, thanks to a few good quotes, decent midframes, easy draw style and a few meme worthy catch phrases it's all gone swimmingly but the underlying perversion from you know who has given them something to latch on to.

At the moment it's fairly tamed and the beast didn't really get enough of a taste to make it hunger but you were this damn close dude. I know you like to fap to it and please your friends but it was real damn close to getting out of control.

It's easy to lean over the edge but one tiny slip and you're a goner so don't fuck this up. It's more important that just you now. People are depending on you to keep it tame and if you slip you'll be just as fucked up as before. Watch it.

Got some homework to do now anyway so cya everyone.
remember that i told you
peace out

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