
Flops vs Hertz

PS3 vs Xbox 360

In Theory

the two flop counts the companies gave

PS3 = 2000 Gigaflops
360 = 1000 Gigaflops

the two hertz counts the companies gave

PS3 = 20 Gigahertz
360 = 10 Gigahertz

what that means as a ratio

PS3 = 100 Flops/Hertz
360 = 100 Flops/Hertz

100 flops per every hertz is plausible. It's about how powerful we can make the machines. It means they do 100 calculations for every clock tick in the processor. So that means that since a float is 64 bytes it's about 6400 bytes (approx 6KB) per tick.

In Reality

The 360 has three 3.6 Gigahertz processors which adds up to 10.8 Gigahertz but it can only run one at once so it's still 3.6GHz anyway. The PS3 runs all of them together. The Xbox operating system is only 50% efficient whereas the PS3's is 100% thanks to its single-mode functionality. Therefore~

PS3 = 20 Gigahertz
360 = ~2 Gigahertz (and that's being generous)

if they stick to this story

PS3 = 2000 Gigaflops
360 = 1000 Gigaflops


PS3 = 100 Flops/Hertz
360 = ~500 Flops/Hertz

the 360's result is completely ridiculous. That's 32000 bytes (approx 31KB) per tick. That's more than 4 times the maximum possible.

if the following is still true then. Since we know this is plausible.

PS3 = 100 Flops/Hertz
360 = 100 Flops/Hertz


PS3 = 2000 Gigaflops
360 = ~200 Gigaflops

that is one tenth that of the PS3

so the PS3 is 2.0 Teraflops
and the 360 is 0.2 Teraflops

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