
April 1st Idiocy

The living dead are real

On the first of April this year (just over a week ago) a bunch of scientists of all people did something really bloody stupid and have yet to correct their wrong.

Let me explain.

There had been reports that a group of vagrants had been camping out in some farm land in the Philippines. Local officials denied it and refused to acknowledge their existence in an attempt to avoid paying compensation for the circumstances that brought them there.

However some people came forth and stated that they knew the vagrants well and they had indeed set up a camp site. The government then sent some officials over to confirm their identity.

The officials returned but they said that the individuals had no formal ID so the government sent them back to get blood samples for DNA testing.

At this point it becomes April 1st as the samples are sent to the lab but when the scientists analyzed the samples they quickly found the chemical makeup of the samples was distinctly wrong.

The chemical balance of the blood seemed to indicate that the blood was from corpses and not from that of the living.

They told officials that it was an April fools hoax and that the blood of unembalmed corpses had been used to try to fool them.

The government was able to identify the individuals by their DNA, reclassified them as dead and filled out their death certificates.

Their possessions were handed down to their families who mourned for their loss and spoke on TV demanding that their bodies be recovered so that a proper funeral could take place.

When officials went to the camp site they found them alive and well and rather oblivious to what had happened due to a lack of electrical supply in the area.

When officials returned they stated that the individuals were helping plants to grow and feeding animals.

To which the government replied (in Philippino BTW) "That's what corpses do".

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