about 40 to 60 thousand years ago a really basic form of language sprang out of the middle of nowhere. it consisted of only three words, written as such.

each of the three words has many meanings depending on how it is used in conversation. the left-most is 'S', it can mean 'an object', 'a person', 'an animal', 'to move' or 'small' as well as other things. the center word 'O' can mean 'repeat', 'to eat', 'to share', 'family', 'a group' or 'many' as well as other meanings. the right-most word 'X' can mean 'a god', 'a leader', 'a mother', 'teamwork', 'hunting' etc.
you may have noticed that the words look similar to symbols used in more modern times. these symbols have been handed down the generations and other cultures has altered and improvised the usage of them. below are a few examples of how the symbols have derived over the generations.

the first word is S or I. it has a variety of pronunciations including s, sh, f, th (as in thin), i (in tin), ee (in feet) and various sounds performed by holding the tongue in place with the mouth very narrowly open.
the second word is 8 or O. it has a vowel sound similar to both oh and ah and is often performed with the mouth wide open.
the last is + or X. it has a throat sound or tongue sound made with the back of the mouth like k, d, t, g and a horrible sounding one that sounds like you're clearing your throat.
S/I represents a snake slithering on its belly,
8/O represents two snakes chasing each other's tails and
+/X represents a snake passing over another snake.
these symbols as well as being a very primitive language also acted as religious symbols for a religion at the time, the 'lesser snakes'. this religion believed in a female snake queen who would watch over her litter on earth. therefore revering any snakes on earth as holy beings and to be respected rather than hated. this was probably started as a method to teach others not to torment poisonous snakes as their vengeance in the form of a bite could be fatal.
this religion vastly predates 'light worship' which originates at 10,000 BC. light worship is the ancient ancestor of the Jewish faith, Muslim faith and many traditional Indian, Eastern European, Native American and African religions.
upon light worship's rise to popularity the lesser snake religion was brutally eradicated and ousted as a dangerous and malicious practice, ushering in a new age of cultural, scientific and technological improvements that are still happening today. lesser snake's religion preached being in harmony with nature and unanimously opposed civilization and new ideas. it believed in only taking what nature would give willingly and was opposed to farming, deforestation and landscaping land for city building. lesser snake beliefs are the foundation of Celtic and Pagan mythology as opposed to light worship which spawned Catholicism and Christianity.
The origin of the lesser snake language is unknown but the ancient texts say that the snakes on earth taught mankind how to speak in their language. there is limitless folklore about this up to about 5000 years ago where extensive snake hunting is said to be the cause of the talking snake's extinction. it could be that the snake hunting doesn't refer to hunting real snakes even though the world was going through a snake hunting boom at the time. but that it is a metaphor for the extensive damage to the lesser snake faith caused by the rapidly increasing number of murderous lynch mobs believing it to be their honorable religious duty to find and kill followers of the lesser snake faith.
the old Yenisian word for followers of the lesser snake faith is Paga, which can be pronounced Pagan, Baba, Hag, Naga and many other pronunciations. These are always seen as evil characters by followers of light worship based religions and are said to be "demonic spirits that do the devil's work on earth". However other faiths that sat on the fence or showed support for the lesser snakes seem to be unanimously offended by the light worshipers actions toward them. This caused many holy wars throughout Europe and Asia as subgroups of the light worship follows turned on their allies in favor of supporting the Paga. The most famous of these being The Christians and The Muslims who made strong enemies with two of the world's mightiest empires The Roman Empire and The Vatican Church eventually overthrowing the extreme right-wing leaders to put their own more reasonable leaders in charge of them.
what remains of the Paga and the lesser snakes today is unfortunately not descended from the original faith but rather from the research of historians in Victorian times who patched together their understanding of the original faith from historical artifacts and records dating back 1000 years about the original faith. however their understanding was limited and many things were assumed at the time which people of today still believe although modern science has proven it simply conjecture.
still, the language is fun to play around with in its simplicity. often the meaning of what you are saying being determined by the context of the conversation, the stress and tone of what you are saying and the facial and body language keys that accompany it. it's fun when you type a bunch of S's O's and X's so people think you're talking gibberish only to find out it is in fact a language. Blows their mind every time.
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