So I see you've taken the time to read on. I think it's only fair then that you hear me out and read this through before judging.
First we start with the specs. I won't bore you with trip counts and crap like that but there are a couple of stats you might wanna know.
First, the Hertz count.
I know many people think that the XBox 360 has 10.8GHz or something but that is crap. The 3 3.6GHz processors would add up to 10.8 but there's a little detail here. It would only be that if they all worked at once. The 360 can only run one at a time so it's basically just 3.6GHz anyway. Add on the fact that OS makes it 50% efficient makes it about 1.8GHz.
Using the same logic a high-end gaming PC with a quad core processor and 4GHz graphics card gets up to 2GHz max of actual processing.
A Mac works a slightly different way giving it a tiny bit more power from the same number of GHz, about 2.2GHz but Macs suck at running games anyway.
The PS3 has 10, count them, 10 processors, each with 2GHz of power. Since they all communicate with each other, unlike the Xbox 360, that makes 20GHz of power. The PS3 OS is also approximately 100% efficient so its actual processing power is 20GHz.
Hertz count results
XBOX 360: 1.8GHz
PS3: ~20.0GHz
what does that mean anyway?
well basically a PS3 can run 10 different Xbox 360 games at once with a little power to spare too.
The PS3 truely is a monster with immense processing power at its fingertips
The 360 works like a PC so it's easy to make games on a PC and port them over.
The development software is cheap and easy to use so most companies use the 360 coz it's cheaper in labor and training costs.
Also, games that use any more than an Xbox 360's maximum capability can only be sold on a PS3, whereas those that use only what a 360 is capable of can be sold to both console markets.
So publishers prefer to make games for Xbox and port them onto the PS3 so they can sell them to both types of gamer.
This means that almost every game for PS3 is on the Xbox 360 and there isn't really a difference in quality.
So you might as well get an Xbox 360 because it's cheaper.
The PS3 is a better machine but only a fraction of its power is used.
Both consoles have the same games but the 360 is cheaper.
Get an Xbox 360.
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