new episode and it's double length
This one features Midge from the unofficial Episodes X episode that Mon made. You could kinda read it as Chapter 14 and Mon's as the official 13 or or count her's as Chapter Zero or two and a half or something or maybe this is just that episode rewritten.
The Lowdown
-an unnamed kidnapper who gives his name as Mr.Smith, his ex wife calls him John;
-Mary, the kidnapper's ex wife;
-an as yet unnamed ghost who help get rid of Mary;
-and an unnamed living mattress that Midge names Benny for ease of conversation.
Midge (a vertically challenged pup crawler) is out on a razz with her friends again. She meets a guy she likes at a club and goes to his place to sleep with him (Mon wrote that part).
There he tricks her into getting tied up and packs her off in a suit case (with an oxygen supply BTW).
When she is released she finds that she has been taken to Spain to be the kidnappers sex slave. However they manage to come to an agreement and decide to live together as a couple instead.
Unfortunately their home is haunted by the jealous ghost of the man's ex-wife (also dwarfed) who tries to get rid of her. Also Peggy for TMS makes an appearance as a woman after Midge's man and the couples mattress dislikes their union and attempts to kill the happy couple.
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