
Haters Gonna Hate

im a good spotter

I'm beginning to get an uncanny sixth sense for spotting perverts. I spot them straight away and follow them to see if I'm right. It helps the mods a lot but people are now putting bets on my skills. Creepy.

just zeroed 30 something guys pcs btw. stupid fuckers from 4chan reposting our own content on our site and posting offensive and pornographic imagery. the site is fucking pg13 you assholes. i was going to taffy them but rock was pissed already that day and wiped all their machines and took down a few ip alias servers and spam bots in the process.

apparently he received an angry email from a company called jackpot joy who claimed he had shut down their servers. turned out that their new adverts were so process heavy they just slowed their servers to a halt. fucking idiots.

btw if you are trying to access adult empire or hentai key you might find it wont work now although they have probably forwarded it to another server by now.

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