
How to Remove Blood Splatter

just something i didn't cover before

Theoretically speaking lets say you've killed someone and sprayed blood all over the place. How would you go about removing the stains so that the police wouldn't find it. Here I'll tell you the commonly believed methods that don't work and the surprisingly simple methods that do.

What is rumored to work

1, Chlorine (found in Bleach)

This is bullshit. Chlorine is an unstable ionic chemical soup. If you add this to blood stains it will probably destroy the dna but it will also react the hemoglobin in the blood into iron chloride which is easily detected by forensic teams.

2, Ammonia (also found in Bleach)

This doesn't work. Ammonia may destroy organic tissue like dna for example but it reacts with the sugars, minerals and the hemoglobin in the blood to make a whole host of rare materials. There is no way you can remove these chemicals afterward so if you even use the tiniest drop of this stuff you are fucked.

3, Sulfuric, Carbonic or Nitric Acids

These are great for destroying dna but again they react with the hemoglobin to make unmistakable substances that any forensic team will find.

4, Nitrous Oxides (AKA NOs)

You might as well have used ammonia

5, H3/Dense Hydrogen/Triatomic hydrogen

You'll just stick the hemoglobin to the walls. It will remove the water and turn the hemoglobin into pure iron. Instead of red stained walls they will be sprayed with shiny silvery metal.

6, Liquid Nitrogen

Despite the obvious frost damage it causes this is about as useful as ammonia

7, Soap

This bonds grease to water, which will get enough of the stuff off to make it look like it worked by trust me there is plenty enough left behind for a forensic team.

8, Salt

WHY?! All you do is dry it out and stick it to the walls

9, Alkaline (e.g. Bee Sting Spray)

does nothing unfortunately

10, Vinegar

Who thought this one up. Yes it dissolves the sugars making it easier to wash off but there's no way this will get rid of the traces.

11, Lemon Juice/Citric Acids

It may appear to work but there's actually loads left behind.

12, Alcohol/Crystal Meth

Stops it being sticky but leaves plenty behind

13, Glucose(Sugar)/Starch(or sweeteners)/Iodine

You'll just stick it even more to the walls

14, Nitroglycerin/C-4/Plastic Explosive/ Petrol/Diesel(Gasoline/Octane)

All of these react iron into substances that can be easily found

15, Plasticine/Silly Putty

Why would that work

16, Chemically Dissolved Plastics

They remove everything but the iron


And now for what actually works

1, Water

It sounds stupid but do you think your body has iron in the blood in the first place. Iron oxide like that in blood dissolves great in water. That's why water rusts metal. It may seem stupid but you'll get more iron off with just water than any of the other suggestions above. The best kind of water is deionized spring water. You can get this by Brita filtering bottled spring water. It is actually just that simple.

2, Liquid Oxygen

Be careful not to blow yourself to kingdom come because liquid oxygen and carbohydrates make a powerful explosive but this super bonds oxygen to the iron preventing it from decaying back into iron. You can simply just wash it off with water then.

3, Epoxy-ethane (Anti-freeze)

Like with liquid oxygen this super bonds the iron to the oxygen and can be easily removed with water afterward. Be careful though, anti-freeze often contains other chemicals which can be traced.

4, Saline Solution (Dilute saltwater)

This is super ionized water and will bond the oxygen in the water to iron making it easy to wash off.

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