I know I hadn't posted in a while but WHOA! 0.0'
I can't remember anything that happened so I'll just say the recent news.
I've made a little table of tasks on my PC that automatically checks the number of days i wrote until each task needs to be done and the last date i did it. it then tells me if i need to do a task by putting a smiley face next to tasks that I've already done in time or don't have a strict time limit, a shocked face against tasks that need to be done today and an angry face next to tasks I forgot to do. It also has a thing at the top that says how many smiles I have out of the total number of tasks.
The challenge is to see how many I can do and as fast as possible. I've also managed to get it to start counting the next day as 8am onward. Anything before is still counted as the previous day. This should help when some tasks take me past midnight.
I've also separated the watch and sweep lists so I can manage both easily. I managed to figure out that 4 peeps a day is exactly right. With that now known and the two separated again I should be able to start adding people to the sweep again pretty soon. So fingers crossed, I'm gonna start up the engines once again.
On a lighter note, it's snowed over here. I say snow, it's more like ice. The snow keeps partially melting and then freezing again. So now we have a sheet of 4 inch thick ice coating the roads. As such, some of the schools closed but not ours. Oh no, they are definitely open. It near impossible to get down the road, let alone over the hill and down the other side. Yet they still want us to be prompt don't they.
Unfortunately the ice isn't good for skidding on. As people made footprints when it was snow and now its ice, its all bumpy. If you try to slide you'll catch your shoe and trip. The road however is super smooth. All the cars skidding on it have polished it flat. And to make matters worse, it is now the same color and texture of a road surface.
People are driving along thinking they are driving on road and then sliding across junctions when they break to heavy. The worst is at the end of our block, where there is no curb. People are walking into the road coz they don't know its not the pavement anymore.
The worst of it though was what i saw in the park. The lake froze but its only 1 inch thick. That's just barely enough to hold someones weight. People are curling benches across it and jumping on it at the same time as throwing stones through it. And every so often you hear the telltale sound of ice cracking yet you can't see any cracks yet, especially since its covered in snow.
They seem to like playing near the edge of the ice where the open water is. It's the only place you can see through the ice at as it has a layer of water on it. You can hear that ice bending noise as they walk on it *creek* *creek* *creek*. They like to slide on it there and jump on the bubbles under the ice so they move around.
Seriously though, these guys gotta have a death wish. Not only are they walking on thin ice. They are standing on the thinnest parts and jumping on it and then sliding across it, inches from open water. Even my dog had more sense than to walk on it. She deliberately avoided it, walking just along the edge of the lake.
Err... Since my last entry I have acquired myself an old style knitted teddy. He's made from dark brown wool and wears dungarees. I called him Bean coz he's the exact color of a coffee bean. Unfortunately everyone thinks I call him that coz he looks like the teddy from Mr.Bean.
I gave him my "Special Police" badge I got from a cracker on Christmas. I also got some dancing leiderhossen and my sis got nattering teeth. More about Chrissy later.
I've also got a fox hand puppet to add to the collection.
I've also managed to tidy my room, make it a mess, tidy again, make it a mess again and then tidy it again since Christmas. Thanks to a few old boxes, the place is now looking pretty spiffy despite the increase in stock.
I also acquired and then ceased to acquire a PS3 for a time but I never used it as I've been busy this Christmas.
I also have a few more books LIKE I NEED ANY MORE!
My sis is now called Clereen after her dream series main character and has really got into spark recently.
Speaking of spark, there have been a few new arrivals and there is set to be more.
They will be bringing all the clusters to yahoo and it is set to be its new home. At least until we find something better anyway.
My mum has started a photography course and as such she is inviting a friend over regularly as she has no one to talk to. You can read that either way and it still makes sense.
This girl I shall now call cat for reasons unknown to you (no its not her name) is a big anime fan too so she just fit right in here.
I got some new curtains, blackout ones. That means no more freezing nights trying to answer posts with a hat, coat, gloves and scarf on to keep me warm. And no more glare through the curtains while gaming either.
I got a few puzzles this Christmas and I think I've just figured out how to do a Rubix cube. I also got my brothers insult button. It only has 6 insults though I think but when I'm really stuck for what to say one lonely night in a months time or so I'll know just what to say.
I have some good music too. An 80s CD from ministry of sound.
It fuvking ROX \m/(_7_)\m/ ~dio!
I'm growing alot more confident with my coding and artwork skills too. I can do pretty much anything in Javascript now, even the things they said was impossible for it to be capable of like server side scripting for example.
My art skills are really coming along too. I can look at some anime and analyze it and then I realize that could actually do that and to the same standard. It's really quite frightening.
Obviously it would take me years to animate it. I'm not that good but still that's pretty impressive. I can actually imitate the professionals. And as such, I have posted a few fake screen caps from animes that are well know around the net. No-one, not even the really hardcore fans could tell it was a fake. I am so fucking proud of myself there.
Now I'm gonna start up the Epselon thing again afer all these years. Now I know I keep saying I will but the timing has never been more perfect for me. My skills are fucking gorgeous in design and development and now I'm more organized than I have ever been in my life, IN MY LIFE!
I honestly can't remember ever being this efficient, EVER. I'm scheduling tasks for days ahead, I'm planning my day, and sticking to it and every time there's something new to add I'm right on top of it.
I'm having so much free time, I can get all the things done I haven't in like FOREVER.
I have enough time to do jobs and enjoy myself with more time to spare! hence this blog post.
I'm catching up with everything real quick but 1 thing I'm putting on the back burner for now, World.
World is this elusive dream and I know that unless everything else is under control, it will all fall apart when this gets involved.
I'm leaving it til last, the very last, and believe me that wont take forever to get to.
I hope to get a job soon too but judging by the current climate and prior problems its not gonna be easy at any rate.
So here's to hoping for a brighter year with no backlog of any sort
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