
So Predictable

Derren Brown

The guy that was picked from the audience was fun. When the music played there was a video of a green circle on a colored background, then a colored circle on a green background. The outline of the circle was blue and the first image flashed twice, then once, then three times.

So my guess was green chair, blue pen, 213 on the blocks. He stacked the blocks in reverse order but the rest was right. Fucking fish.


The woman choosing the card was good. The card was a slightly different shape so he knew which was the lose card. He then repeatedly said the number 2 counting the cards from nearest to her to closest to him. Not surprisingly, she chose the second card from her point of view. Humans can't see ultraviolet you idiots.


The cup the guy didn't stand on was unlucky 13. He repeatedly said things involving the word "luck" or "lucky" so he wouldn't stand on the cup he thought was unlucky, hence 13. And when a person is scared they pay more attention to their surroundings. He used this so he would pick up what he was saying without thinking.


Number 19 one was funny. I've seen this trick done before. First of all, whittling down half of them is easy, he suggests how many to get rid of in one go. You are automatically going to chose the middle first. He then says the exact number of people on the wrong side to remove so you'll chose them. Then just under the number of teens left 'cause you're going to group the teens together and also would prefer to have the two remaining ones together. That leaves the last 2 and when he says the word 2 she remembers sub-consciously that she picked the second to last when choosing the card earlier. Therefore she chooses the second to last of the two, leaving 20 behind.

Hey presto number 19. Try it on your friends. You'll see it always works.


I feel sorry for the poor guy who gave away his shoes. They looked brand new. If you're going to dabble in the human mind Mr Brown, at least know what you're doing first.

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