[¬_¬] has been added as promised. The cheeky bastard didn't even have an account til I came knocking. And he complained about MY promptness.
Zorb, Zumbi and Zoe have been added. Had to wait for Zumbi to make an account. No problems with Zorb and Zoe as I made their accounts for them. Had to improvise with Zorb's user name, all the suggestions she gave were taken. She seemed really happy about the one I chose though. Can't believe it wasn't taken already.
Kept making the mistake of thinking SRM was a girl. I keep doing that. None of his work looks like a guy's so I keep getting it wrong.
Can somebody sort out the problem with the IP addresses. It keeps saying we all have the same one. I know alot of the newer members don't have this problem but I want to be able to change my IP so I can get into that forum that blocked me.
In case Vegemite is reading this, don't worry, I'm over and done with with that, I've found much more irritable people to annoy, which makes it much more fun, and they are doing things that are morally wrong, so I get a sense of justice doing it.
And no that doesn't mean it's 4chan either. I've given up all hope of having an intelligent conversation with the ignorant /b/tards.
Oh, and I had to switch Zorb's avatar to the old one (see below).

Yahoo would not accept the new one, it's too offensive. I know there's nothing adult about it but Yahoo have banned members for less, sorry. I'm pretty sure she wont mind.
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