
Pixel Art, Alpha Numeric and stuff

title says all

For those that are skeptical about pixel art or using MS Paint or indeed the exact opposite, I have assembled a few links here for you to look at.

an MS Paint search on Deviant Art
Stanley William Moore's Ultimate MS Paint picture
the "How to draw a woman with MS Paint #4" Youtube vid.
most favorites and highest ranking listings on Pixel Joint
Nitro Me, home of pixel based Java games
Habbo Hotel, pixel art MMO.
Gang Garrison, a pixelized version of TF2
Cave Story, a game by this guy, voted best game several times on Dooms
ISO City, which is an arguably better version of the complete sellout version known as Pixel City Home

and unfortunately I can't get this last one to work but it's "Paint Game" by "Alpha Numeric". Paint game is a game which hacks MS Paint to turn it into a pixel based game similar to "Gang Garrison" and "Cave Story" in graphics. It's really old but you can't tell. BTW, put it on 4x zoom or you'll have to squint a bit to read the text or play it properly.

FYI, the address bar says "cluster:doomsday.book/srv4/liquid?loc=alphanumeric%2Fwares%2Fpaint_game". If you know how to make that work outside of Dooms then please tell me.


Alpha Numeric are making a new game called "The Never Ending Game". Basically, members of the site make a 1 level mini game (called a level for some reason) using a game building thing and then, after being approved, they are put in a database. Then when people play "The Never Ending Game", they get a random 'level', which they have to complete to get to the next level. When they complete a level, the game loads a new level. They can play any level again, whenever they want but they can only play new levels by completing the one they have. They can also change the difficulty setting if it's too hard. You get a score per level, and the score basically works like a percent system so all levels have the same max score and same average score. You get more points for playing on a harder difficulty, it says how many levels you've played and most importantly it has an average score per level so you can't cheat by putting it on easy and playing hundreds of levels. If you appear to be doing the level easily it boosts your difficulty up too so people can't do that trick. And that's not to do with your score either it's how easily you do every action. So even if you play half of it really easily and die alot on the second half to balance the score out, the game will become increasingly hard as you try to sail through it. It also knows when you are actually finding it hard and makes it easier. All the scores are also divided into easy, medium and hard scores so we know when you cheat OK.

On another note, try out Scribblenauts over here. Heard good stuff 'bout it.

Random website Number 6million, FEELS.ru. Stumbled upon it and thought it looked interesting. My Russian translator site has gone bust so all I got is Babelfish, and Babelfish is shit, par example...

"To [khellou]! Today I hope to bring into order machine well and [gemor] with the insurance like as also was decided, here pancake in [evropakh] are everything as in people, and through " [opu]" , the word of honor by the way today medium, so that the heaviest part of the week concludes) what ideas to eat to the output?"

That's just great. What the hell does that mean? I'm now even less sure of what it says. Seriously, Babelfish stinks. It doesn't even make grammatical sense to let alone contextual.

And check out AN's sub on Dooms. I would post the address but I can't get the hang of this new address bar thing. This address works for me but alot of people are saying the link doesn't work. If you know how to make that work outside of Dooms then please tell me.

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