about Geocities and other stuff
I can't believe Geocities is shutting down. Do they know how much trouble it'll cause? I know it's old info but just think of what's gonna happen to Doomsday. OK, fair enough, Geo's traffic limit is extremely low, they only offer 15 Meg space, people abuse it all the time and it's got a bad rep but it was quick and easy, coders could write HTML instead of use the standard means and almost everyone used it. It was one of if not the first webhosting service out there. I remember when people used to refer to using a webhost as Geo building. I'm telling you now, so I call it when someone says "Nobody knew this was going to happen", when Geo Cities goes down there will be no-one with their own part of the net. Every website will be big businesses only and there will be no sunshine in the eyes of our children. Hey, that was pretty good. The web will become cold and clinical and we'll all fall into a deep depression. You may think that only one service going down cannot effect us this severely but it will set a president that everyone will follow. All webhosting services will charge you lots of money for your site, therefore removing all the people with strong principals and beliefs and all the people who are too poor to afford it. This is internet death right here, I've seen it happen many times before, it only takes one to bring down the house of cards. Be warned, you may have to pay to use facebook, myspace, twitter and all those other social networking services soon. This is the death of the internet. There is but 1 hope, somebody out there with more money than sense has to offer the same service. I would say myspace but they've already cocked that up.
On a lighter note, check out the "Life in the Underground" music vid on Afro Audio. It's made by some of the original members of Doomsday and sounds great.
And BTW, Legend is Legendary. Power to the peeps folks. This time were gonna put a fucking huge hole in that ivory tower.
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